Schlagwort: startseite

FAU has an excellent international reputation. This is reflected in the large number of renowned international researchers who choose FAU as their host university as part of a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Kategorie: FAU aktuell

Another FAU researcher has succeeded in securing funding from the European Union amid tough competition. Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Steinrück, Chair of Physical Chemistry II, has been awarded one of the sought-after ERC Advanced Grants worth 2.5 million euros.

Kategorie: Research

A little girl from Syria has finally had a heart defect corrected thanks to support from Erlangen. A dedicated acquaintance was able to get Raghad and her father to Germany where the association 'Erlangen hilft' provided them with valuable support over a period of several months.

Kategorie: FAU aktuell

In order to study at FAU, refugees are required to learn German. The Association for Promoting Internationalisation at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg is supporting 24 refugees taking part in German language courses with a donation of 7200 euros.

Kategorie: FAU aktuell