Schlagwort: startseite

Dendritic cells represent an important component of the immune system: they recognize and engulf invaders, which subsequently triggers a pathogen-specific immune response. Scientists gained substantial knowledge of human dendritic cells, which might contribute to the development of immune therapies in the future.

Kategorie: Research

When migrants or refugees are the topic of discussion, the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ usually appear too. Cultural geographer Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze believes that this is a problem and aims to investigate the issue in a new research project.

Kategorie: Research

FAU has amended its mission statement. In future it will include a passage which further sensitises researchers to the dual use of their results for beneficial and harmful purposes.

Kategorie: FAU aktuell

The emission of electrons from an illuminated material was a driving element in the development of quantum mechanics. FAU scientists have successfully controlled the photoemission of nanotransmitters to an extent never before achieved.

Kategorie: Research

With its competition ‘Quality in Studying and Teaching’ (Qualität in Studium und Lehre – QuiS), FAU aims to make it easier for new students to master the transition into studying, to reduce the drop-out rate and to make teaching more innovative. QuiS has received more funding.

Kategorie: Research

FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger invited members and friends of the University to celebrate its 273rd anniversary in the Audimax on 4 November. The main topics of the President's report were the developments that have taken place over the past year and the challenges for the coming year.

Kategorie: FAU aktuell