On June 15-16, 2016 the students of the FAU will have a chance to participate in real life politics – Hochschulwahl. This article on the student blog meineFAU offers some interesting insights and facts.
For universities in Iraq, remaining a part of international research and staying up-to-date with developments in teaching despite sanctions, war and chaos is essential. FAU is helping them to ensure this is possible.
In order to study at FAU, refugees are required to learn German. The Association for Promoting Internationalisation at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg is supporting 24 refugees taking part in German language courses with a donation of 7200 euros.
One way of assessing how influential researchers are is according to how often their publications are cited. This is the basis of the annual CWTS Leiden ranking of top universities. FAU has achieved an excellent placement in the ranking again this year.
FAU has performed excellently again in the Centre for Higher Education’s (CHE) university ranking, and is ranked among the best for chemistry and for electrical engineering and information engineering.
Professor Dr. Peter Dabrock, Chair of Systematic Theology II (Ethics) at FAU, has been elected chairperson of the German Ethics Council, the most important advisory body in the field of ethics in Germany.
FAU's natural scientists are among the most productive researchers in their disciplines in Germany and Europe according to the latest Nature Index Tables.
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