Monat: Dezember 2016

Dendritic cells represent an important component of the immune system: they recognize and engulf invaders, which subsequently triggers a pathogen-specific immune response. Scientists gained substantial knowledge of human dendritic cells, which might contribute to the development of immune therapies in the future.

Kategorie: Research

When migrants or refugees are the topic of discussion, the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ usually appear too. Cultural geographer Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze believes that this is a problem and aims to investigate the issue in a new research project.

Kategorie: Research

Last week FAU’s University Council and President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger discussed who to appoint to the vacant position of Chancellor and came to the unanimous decision to appoint Christian Zens. In other developments, Prof. Dr. Kathrin M. Möslein will join FAU’s Executive Board immediately as the new Vice President for Research.

Kategorie: FAU aktuell