Monat: Februar 2016

Does getting older mean becoming more frail and less physically able? Researchers at FAU aim to demonstrate that some effects of ageing can not only be stopped but can in fact be reversed to a degree – with targeted movement and the right diet.

Kategorie: Research

When we visit websites our browsers pass on a wide range of information that website providers and tracking services can use to recognise and track us. Computer scientists at FAU are currently looking for participants for an online study in which they aim to evaluate the effectiveness of browser protection measures.

Kategorie: Research

4000 euros raised though the tombola at the University Ball have been presented to the Association for Promoting Internationalisation at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. The money will be used to support refugees taking part in courses preparing them to study at FAU.

Kategorie: Research

Many ice shelves in Antarctica have shrunk and some have disappeared entirely. Dr. Johannes Fürst from the Institute of Geography at FAU has used a complex model to show for the first time at what point the “buttressing” role of ice shelves is impaired due to their decline.

Kategorie: Research